Mission Australia celebrates National Carers Week

Carers such as Yvonne are getting much needed support through the Family and Carers Mental Health Program.


IT’S National Carers Week and Mission Australia is thanking and celebrating all carers paid and unpaid, including those who access support through Mission Australia’s Family and Carers Mental Health program on the Mid North Coast.

This year the theme is A Million Reasons to Care.

There are more than two million six hundred and fifty thousand carers around the country and Mission Australia aims to highlight them and the diversity of the carers’ experiences.

One in eight Australians provide unpaid support to a family member or friend.

They provided 2.2 billion hours of unpaid care in 2020, and if the care they provided was paid it would amount to $1.5 billion per week.

Mission Australia runs a Family and Carers Mental Health Program (FCMHP) on the Mid North Coast for families and carers of people with a mental illness through a comprehensive range of support and services.

Program Manager Shelley Dutton said throughout the pandemic carers have done an incredible job keeping their loved ones and people in their care safe.

“They have cared for the mental and physical health of the more vulnerable members of our community, have and ensured they are treated with respect and dignity,” she said.

News Of The Area spoke with Mission Australia carer Yvonne about the benefits of the FCMHP.

Yvonne said she enjoys education and support from the FCMHP program and said it has helped her get involved in art therapy, attending educational workshops, and enjoying short respite and fun days out.

For Yvonne the rewards of being a carer are many.

“The rewards include the ability to pass on my experience and knowledge to other carers, especially those who are new to the caring role.

“Another rewarding aspect is being able to care for my family member and know that he is being supported, safe and in recovery.

“I am also making sure he is learning new skills and I am forward planning for him when I am not here so ensure that he can look after himself and continue to live a rich and contributing life,” she said.


By Sandra MOON

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