Mike Colecliffe overwhelmed by support after freak battery explosion accident

Mike Colecliffe has been overwhelmed by support after the explosion.

MIKE Colecliffe has been overwhelmed by support from friends and emergency services after his recent accident at Lemon Tree Passage.

He had been working on the engine of a 65 foot (19 metre) motor cruiser berthed at Albatross Marina when the battery exploded.

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“This is an extremely rare thing to happen,” he said.

“The noise of the explosion in the confined space perforated my ear drums and I was peppered with shrapnel from the battery casing,” he added.

“I doused myself with water to dilute the acid spray and the emergency services responded very quickly and choppered me to the Royal North Shore Burns unit,” he stated.

“I was worried about my eyes but the doctors said that the damage was minor and within a few months I should make a 100 percent recovery,” he said.

Mike was released from hospital the next day and is now back at work.

“I’d like to thank all those friends who sent me emails and text messages of support.

“We do live in a very caring community,” he concluded.

Safety authorities ask all boat owners to be very wary of fumes and gas which accumulate inside unventilated craft.

They urge people to make sure that the hull is well aired before starting the engine as sparks from the starter motor are the cause of many on board explosions and fires.

The Albatross Marina Lemon Tree Passage, the scene of the accident.

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