MidCoast rural roads to receive $7.5 million boost for maintenance

MIDCOAST Council will deliver an additional $7.5 million in funding for road maintenance and works.

Passed at the recent Council meeting on 7 September, Councillors voted in support of the program which allocates the funding to 22 rural roads across the Local Government Area in the 2022-23 financial year.

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The program targets sections of rural roads where typical maintenance is not effective, but the road is not deformed to the extent it has been prioritised in the annual road works plan.

Robert Scott, MidCoast Council Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services says the condition of MidCoast roads was one of the major themes that emerged during the last round of community conversations.

“More generally, the same issue has been reported through the previous community satisfaction surveys as having high significance to the community with low satisfaction.

“While these sections may not represent the greatest risk, the program is designed to improve efficiency by reducing repeat maintenance and improving access in rural areas.

“This program has been designed to address some of the community’s concerns about the state of our rural road network while a roads strategic plan is developed,” Mr Scott said.

Sections of the following roads will receive attention under the $7.5 million program: North Arm Cove Road (North Arm Cove), Myall Street (Tea Gardens), Booral Road (Bulahdelah), Mermaid Avenue (Hawks Nest).

Roads in Taree, Old Bar, Smiths Lake and Gloucester will also receive repair treatment involving stabilisation of the existing pavement and resealing.


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