MidCoast Mayoral Column for April


OVER the past few weeks, we have made several important submissions to the State Government on planning and marine protection issues.

Of these, the most significant was in relation to the draft Hunter Regional Plan 2041.

This plan proposes a strategic land use framework for the region.

While it presents many opportunities for the MidCoast there are key areas of concern for us that we have raised with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

The density requirements outlined in the draft plan are more appropriate for large town centres and would have a significant impact on the character of our existing small coastal and rural towns and villages, including Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest.

We have heard clearly from our community, particularly during our recent consultation on our Housing Strategy, that any increase in the density of residential dwellings would be a key community concern.

We have also made a submission to the State on the draft Marine Parks Network Management Plan which covers, amongst others, the Port Stephens- Great Lakes marine park.

Overall we support the actions in the plan and have called for an additional action to protect catchments and sensitive waterways and support ecosystem services.

Singing Bridge

I understand there have been some concerns regarding the safety and condition of the Singing Bridge.

While we acknowledge the bridge doesn’t look the best due to a failed coating of the railings, it is inspected and maintained as part of our annual bridge program.

This year the bridge will also be subject to an underwater inspection to monitor the condition of the structure below the waterline.

We are progressing plans to modify the pedestrian aspect of the bridge to allow for scooter traffic to be one way on either side of the bridge.

This will improve the safety of the current pedestrian access.

Dingo behaviour

We are continuing to monitor the behaviour of dingoes in the area, and work with both the University of NSW and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to manage interactions between humans and dingoes and to have a procedure in place to manage dingoes on land owned and managed by Council.

It is important to know that we do not undertake dingo baiting, offspring removal or wide scale eradication programs.

Event sponsorship applications open

If you’re planning to hold an event or festival in the MidCoast local government area during the next two years, there is an opportunity to apply for consideration in our event sponsorship program.

There is support available for small and larger events ranging from local pop-ups to larger-scale festivals.

The last few years have offered very limited opportunities for us to get together as communities, so we do really want to encourage the community to start thinking of ways to get back together and community events are a great way to do that.

They support community morale, mental health, cultural awareness and are good for the local economy.


I’d also like to take this opportunity to recognise the amazing work of our volunteers. They play an invaluable role in our parks, reserves and facilities.

This time of year, with the growing conditions as they are – we really do rely on our volunteers and the work they do in our parks and reserves – it is amazing to see their dedication and the whole community benefits from it.

Keeping up with Council news

If you are interested in more information on Council decisions, Council meetings are broadcast live and an audio recording is available on our website, along with the meeting agenda and a summary of the decisions.

There is also a summary of decisions in the ‘recent news’ section of our website.

I encourage everyone to keep up to date with Council’s activities by signing up for Council’s weekly e-newsletter or keeping an eye on our Facebook page.

The ‘have your say’ section on the Council website also provides a range of information on items we are seeking your input on and provides updates on projects we have underway.


By Claire PONTIN, MidCoast Mayor

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