MidCoast Council’s libraries looking for volunteer tutors to help others improve their reading

Patsy and Chelsea.


IF you enjoy reading and have some spare time on your hands, the team at MidCoast Council’s libraries would love to hear from you.

Expressions of interest are currently open for volunteer tutors to help others improve their reading, writing and English language skills through the ‘Better Reading, Better Communities’ program.

Reading with confidence is a skill central to determining both our choices and chances in life. Whether it’s keeping up with the news, corresponding for work, undertaking studies, or for personal enjoyment, literacy underpins almost every aspect of our busy lives.

Through its volunteer program, the MidCoast Council’s libraries team connects tutors with people aged 8 to 75 years who are looking for support to reach their goals.

“We’ve enjoyed seeing so many local residents benefit from the Better Reading, Better Communities program, which has been in place for over 6 years”, explained Chris Jones, MidCoast Council’s Libraries Manager.

“It’s not only students who reap the rewards; we’ve had such positive feedback from our generous volunteers about the great satisfaction they get in helping someone else to learn and grow.”

Volunteer tutors should love reading, but personal skills and the desire to help others succeed are just as important.

Tutoring takes place in a one-on-one environment in the library, and hours can be tailored to meet your schedule.

Opportunities to become a volunteer tutor are currently available at MidCoast Council’s Forster library, with free training and on-going support.

“Our next tutor training course starts on Thursday 1 August, and involves 5 half-day sessions,” Chris said.

“This is a free course that provides volunteers with everything they need to get started, guidance on selecting the right resources, and lesson planning tools.”

Tutors are engaged as part of MidCoast Council’s library volunteer program, and will be invited to attend regular professional development sessions to network and share ideas and learning with other tutors and library staff.

“Our libraries are a place to connect, explore, learn and enjoy, and our ‘Better Reading, Better Communities’ volunteers play a pivotal role in bringing these benefits to a broad cross-section of the local community,” added Chris.

To express interest in becoming a volunteer tutor, call the team on 6591 7256.

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