MIDCOAST Council’s audited financial statements and the auditor’s reports for the financial period ending 30 June 2021 are now available for community viewing.
In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act, the statements will be on exhibition until Wednesday 9 February at 4.30pm.

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Any person may make a submission during this period regarding the statements.
The statements report a consolidated net operating result for the year of a $37.077 million surplus.
The statements reveal MidCoast Council delivered over $94.8M million of capital works for the community during the financial year.
MidCoast Council is responsible for the management of $3.6 billion of property, plant and infrastructure assets.
You can have your say on MidCoast Council’s financial statements digitally or by post.
Go to www.haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au to submit an online submission or to download a hardcopy submission form, which can be posted to MidCoast Council, PO Box 482, Taree NSW 2430.
You can also email the Council at council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au and quote Financial Statements.
If you are unable to view the financial statements online, a copy can also be viewed at the Forster, Taree and Gloucester Customer Service Centres until Wednesday 9 February 2021 during office hours.