MidCoast Council Roundup: Councillor Len Roberts


Residential Flat Building – Hawks Nest

Council did not approve the development and the proponent appealed the refusal in the Land and Environment Court.

The matter was listed for a directions hearing on 23 March 2020.

At the directions hearing the registrar advised that due to COVID-19 the Court is only listing matters for Telephone s.34 Conferences and listed proceedings for 26 October 2020 and 2 November 2020.

The s.34 conciliation conference was held before Commissioner Walsh online.

There was some negotiation between the parties in relation to urban design / planning outcomes and an agreement could not be reached.

On 12 April 2021 a further directions hearing was held, after the applicant’s solicitor had ceased to act in the matter.

This resulted in the applicants’ experts not being given instructions to confer with Council experts and as such joint reports were not able to be prepared in keeping with the court schedule.

The new solicitor advised that he would seek for the hearing to be vacated and that amended plans were being prepared.

The proceedings are now fixed for hearing on 6, 7 and 8 September 2021.

Bulahdelah skate park officially open

The Bulahdelah Skate Park officially opened last weekend.

The project has been supported by MidCoast Council, working with Bulahdelah Lions Club and a number of public and private organisations collaborating.

Significant obstacles, such as the fires, floods and COVID were all overcome and the end product is a tremendous facility that everyone can be proud of.

Ageing Strategy consultation

A number of focus groups will be conducted throughout July with residents who completed the online survey and indicated that they would like to be contacted for the next stage of the strategy.

As a result, the focus groups are by invitation only.

Smaller groups are generally more productive and easier to manage.

Stage one consultation identified issues for our older residents and their carers.

This next stage will examine those issues and brainstorm ways to address them.

Their feedback and ideas will help shape the actions in the Ageing Strategy.

Tea Gardens Library

Council approved the extension to Tea Gardens Library at its last meeting.

A development application was lodged with Council on 11 November 2020 seeking consent for alterations and additions to the existing library building on the site.

The application proposes an extension to the southern portion of the existing structure.

The extension is the full width of the existing structure and will be 8.0m in length.

The development includes a new meeting area, including walkway extensions, toilet facility and tearoom.

The development will potentially impact on the location of the existing community art installation, which may be required to be relocated.

One thought on “MidCoast Council Roundup: Councillor Len Roberts

  1. Are you aware or even care that the Obeid family is in Diamond Beach you are facing another Hawks Nest. Breaks my heart that not 1 person listens to community let alone do anything

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