MidCoast Council Mayoral Positions reappointed until December elections

Mayor David West retained his role with a 5-2 vote.


MIDCOAST Council member David West has been re-elected as Mayor following a recent meeting on 22 September.

Due to the postponement of the Council elections, now in December, positions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor were to be elected for the ten week period until the election date.

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Opposed by Councillor Peter Epov, David West retained his role with a 5-2 vote.

Deputy Mayor Claire Pontin ran unopposed and held her title.

Councillor Katheryn Smith abstained from voting for personal reasons.

Mayor David West addressed the meeting with great appreciation of re-election.

“I understand it’s only for a very short period of time but I can’t express my appreciation for the confidence shown in allowing me to be elected Mayor again.

“We have the greatest Council in New South Wales as far as I’m concerned and I think at the moment out of all the amalgamated Councils, we’re leading the pack, and that’s only as a consequence of the work you (the Council and staff) put in.

“Through the commitment to local government as a whole, and the team behind us, the 930-odd staff members that have built this magnificent company we call the MidCoast Council, I thank you very much,” Mr West said.

As addressed in the Local Government Act 1993, the position of Mayor will hold office until the NSW local Government Elections are held (at this stage, 4 December 2021) or a two-year term, whereas the position of deputy mayor will be held for a one-year term or until the NSW Local Government Elections are held, whichever is sooner.




Deputy Mayor Claire Pontin holds her title.

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