Merv and Elaine Lynch celebrate 70th wedding anniversary

Merv and Elaine Lynch on their wedding day in 1955. Photo: supplied.

MACKSVILLE’S Merv and Elaine Lynch have reached a remarkable milestone, celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary – by any measure a remarkable testament to love, dedication, and a lifetime of shared memories.

Born and raised in the Nambucca district, Elaine and Merv grew up in Macksville and Bowraville respectively.

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Elaine, born on October 16, 1931, was one of six siblings and began her working life in Macksville at Searl Bros Butcher and later Reid and Fotheringham.

Merv, born on 3 March 1931, was the youngest of eight and, among other jobs, learned the butcher’s trade before taking on the role of head stockman at Midco.

Although being born seven months apart, at the same hospital with Sister Watts officiating at both births, the couple did not meet until they were young adults.

Their love story began at the Palais de Dance in Nambucca Heads, where young men and women from across the region gathered every Saturday night.

It was there, in 1951, that Merv, missing his front teeth but full of charm, mustered the courage to ask Elaine for a dance.

That moment sparked a romance that led to a marriage proposal on Elaine’s 24th birthday.

On 22 January 1955, Merv and Elaine were married in the Macksville Methodist Church.

Despite the pouring rain, the newlyweds celebrated with a small gathering, choosing to accept a monetary gift from Elaine’s parents in place of a large wedding.

They honeymooned at Mermaid Beach, navigating flooded roads and making lasting memories along the way.

Their life together has been filled with hard work, dedication and much happiness.

They built their first home in Macksville, becoming the Commonwealth Bank’s first home loan customers in the area.

They welcomed three sons – Dale, Don and Trevor – into their family and enjoyed a lifetime of adventures, including numerous camping and caravanning trips.

Elaine balanced motherhood with a successful career, retiring in 1992 after 20 years at Macksville High School.

Merv worked 45 years at Midco, retiring in 1994 as the company’s longest-serving employee.

Their shared love of dancing was rekindled in 1972, and they continued to dance well into their later years.

News Of The Area Asked Elaine and Merv what they considered to be the key to a marriage lasting as long as theirs.

“Cooperating with each other, enjoying things in common and not squabbling,” concluded Merv and Elaine.


Merv and Elaine Lynch at their Macksville home, 70 years since their wedding day.

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