Men’s Shed making a difference for endangered animals in Bulahdelah

Christine Dufresne collecting her animal boxes from Bulahdelah Men’s Shed President John Lee.

THE men of the Bulahdelah Men’s Shed have been busy building animal boxes to help protect a range of endangered species in the region.

“Last year we developed some microbat boxes,” said Bulahdelah Men’s Shed President John Lee.

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“A member of the community named Christine approached us, asking if we could supply her with some boxes for some endangered animals, which were namely the Native Barn Owl and the Yellow-bellied Glider.”

The Men’s Shed is currently home to ten members, working from their premises on Crawford St, Bulahdelah, behind the War Memorial Hall.

“We took the project on and because we only operate for four hours, once a week, it’s been a long project.

“Christine wanted ten owl boxes and we got them finished.

“She picked them up last week and was really happy with them.”

Constable Ash Ray from Bulahdelah Police also purchased an animal box for use at the station, to try and encourage barn owls into the area.

Another local, Suzie, who runs a local vineyard, also bought two for use on her property.

“We are really proud to be doing our bit to help repopulate some native flora and fauna in our area,” said John.

“I am really proud of the team and everything they are doing.”

John said the Men’s Shed is trying to become more actively involved in the community.

“We are trying to get our name out more into the community, so people can see that we are not just a secret men’s club.

“We are there for the community, to help people.”

John said accessing the Men’s Shed can do wonders for the health of its members.

“We also look after men’s health, which is a significant factor in what the Men’s Shed is all about.

“Men being able to be men and to share the fellowship of other men.

“We use the Men’s Shed for a place where men can really be themselves.

“We have developed a great bond with the members, they are very strong.”

The civic minded group is now looking for new things to do in the community.

To expand their community offering, the Men’s Shed is seeking a new location to allow for expansion of the group.

“We actually are looking for a new home for the Men’s Shed.

“At the moment we are really limited by our current location, due to the size of our shed.

“If there is anyone out in the community with some ideas about how we can procure some land and a new shed, we are very open to suggestions.

“Our current location was good at the start, but it is now inhibiting how many we can safely have in the shed.”

John said that safety and access were the main priorities.

“My goal is to provide a safer environment for the men of the shed,” said John.

“At the moment we have no disabled access, and we want a space that everyone can enjoy.”

The Bulahdelah Men’s Shed meets every Wednesday between 10:00 and 2:00pm.

“If there are men within the community that would like to come, we can certainly do our best to fit them,” said John.

Contact John Lee on 0422 273 131 for more information on the Men’s Shed.




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