Men’s Shed Bike Show ready to roll into Stuarts Point

Stuarts Point Men’s Shed welcomes new members.

ORGANISATION is well underway for the family friendly open day in support of the 2023 Stuarts Point Men’s Shed Motorcycle Show, to be held from 9am to 3pm on 9 September, which promises to be an eventful day boasting an impressive show of machines.

Sea Shepherd Australia, as a joint benefactor of the fundraising event, is grateful and thankful for the gesture of support.

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“Sea Shepherd Australia is reliant on the generosity of the community to fund our missions to conserve and protect the ocean as we use direct action to defend marine life and protect their habitat, our conservation actions aim to safeguard the biodiversity of our delicately balanced marine ecosystems.”

After a three-year wait, Stuarts Point Men’s Shed are inviting everyone to their motorcycle show at Stuarts Point Workers Recreation & Bowls Club, to be held in the rear car park.

Organisers expect a rolling museum of old and new motorcycles to educate and amaze all in attendance, with some machines possibly over 100 years old.

The Men’s Shed will cater with a BBQ, the CWA is offering home-baked goodies, tea and coffee and ‘The Little Ripper Band’ will be providing live entertainment from 10am.

The Bowlo will, as always, be providing the opportunity for cool beverages and sit-down meals.

“As well as vintage bikes from early last century, and modern machines, there will also be raffles with The Men’s Shed and SPaDCO helpers running a chocolate-wheel for rapid-fire meat-tray prizes,” Organiser Mark Merritt told News Of The Area.

Major prizes will be awarded to winners of two divisions.

The ‘Most Popular Old Motorcycle’ category is open to any roadworthy motorcycle or scooter thirty years or older.

The ‘Most Popular Modern Motorcycle’ is for any roadworthy motorcycle or scooter not yet thirty years old.

All entries must have current registration.

The Most Popular Motorcycle Overall and its owner will gain recognition on the Stuarts Point Men’s Shed Motorcycle Show Perpetual Trophy.

Judging and voting in each category will be carried out on the day by the attending public, with each vote being one gold coin placed into a ballot box officially attached to nominated motorcycles.

For enquiries and further details, phone Mark on 0427 571 770.


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