Members Of The Port Stephens Community Arts Centre Welcome Back The Community As It Reopens

Bev Ingham, Chris Morgan and Wendy Barwick in the gallery.


MEMBERS of the Port Stephens Community Arts Centre are celebrating the centre and gallery being reopened after the COVID-19 lockdown.

In spite of the inconveniences that Covid regulations imposed, there were many positive comments, and expressions of delight, as members returned to their creative sessions.

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Meryl Miller of the Port Stephens Community Arts Centre told News Of The Area, “On Monday 18 October, under the strict Covid regulations, the door to the Westralia Room swung open.

“Our masked members were back with their paints and canvases ready to face the ‘New Norm’, creating and enjoying community and friendship.”

There have been a lot of chores to get done to ensure the Centre remains COVID-Safe.

“Our craft rooms are fully stocked with innovative creations made during lockdown.”

The Gallery opened to visitors on 1 November.

COVID Marshals will be on duty for the first few weeks, to support the Gallery volunteers and deal with any problems.

There are plans to open the weekend Café around mid-January.

“Our Christmas Hampers raffle tickets will be available from the gallery on 10 November.”

Currently on exhibition at the gallery is ‘What’s On Your Plate?’ in the main gallery until 14 December, featuring all things deliciously edible – realistic, interpretive or futuristic.

“Come and see how our artists have interpreted this theme.

“The annex will be filled with handmade Christmas craft items from 10 December where you will find plenty of great stocking stuffers.”

The Port Stephens Community Arts Centre Board has welcomed two new members voted in at the AGM on 14 September.

They are Secretary, Louise Leddie and Melanie Delaney, Director for Group Liaison.

“They both bring great skills and energy to the Board and have had to hit the ground running this past week!” said Meryl.

“We thank Robyn Killen for devoting endless hours of her time volunteering at the Art Centre.

“We are so lucky that Robyn took up art and that she has shared her passion for art and her leadership skills for the benefit of our community!

“Colleen Sessions, Group Leader Director as well as Occupational Health and Safety also stepped down from the Board.

“Thanks to Colleen for her hard work and improvements implemented during her two terms on the Board,” she said.

Members of the centre are happy to be welcoming the community back to enjoy the art that their 300 members create.



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