Meet The Candidates for MidCoast’s Election: Claire Pontin’s Ticket

Claire Pontin is running again for MidCoast Council.


AS Local Government Elections approach, News Of The Area is introducing you to the candidates for the Election.

Claire Pontin is running again for MidCoast Council, with a ticket consisting of Gaye Tindall, Phillip Costa, David Glenn-Hume, Heather McLaughlin and Dianne Foster.

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First elected to the Council in 2017 and elected Deputy Mayor from 2019-2021, Claire is a proud member of the Labor Party and is committed to fighting for better social outcomes, jobs and the environment.

“My first love is the environment, I’m an Ecologist by training and so it’s just natural for me to be concerned about the environment and wanting to do the best that I can.

“I’m not anti-development but I think that we need to find ways to have sustainable development that is environmentally sensitive to the area,” Claire said.

Claire initiated the declaration of a Climate Emergency and if re-elected, will ensure that the Climate Action plans that MidCoast Council have made continue to be made a priority with appropriate funding and personnel.

Ms Pontin is well aware of the difficulties that smaller communities face and pledges to continue supporting the community in any way she can.

“It’s truly the case of getting out there to the communities when I can; I always try to do as much as I can with such a large area, meeting people and discussing issues that are important to these communities,” Ms Pontin said.

“Council does a lot behind the scenes to work with small communities to ensure that they have representation and that their thoughts are being taken into consideration when it comes to Council policies and plans because ultimately, it’s their lives that are being affected,” Ms Pontin said.

Alongside this, Claire says she is strong in financial management.

“There are lots of criticisms that the Council doesn’t do it (financial reporting) well.

“I actually think it is done quite well, but nevertheless they can do better and I constantly push and try my best to initiate changes in the way they do their financial reporting and management and I want to continue doing that,” she said.

Claire is an avid supporter of the arts and local businesses and was very pleased to Chair the group that helped develop MidCoast Council’s first Cultural Plan.

“For thriving communities, villages and towns need to be culturally rich, with opportunities to go to plays, shows or museums and to have the opportunity to see live music.

“Business development is also essential; no area can be vibrant and moving forward if local businesses are going broke and shops are closing,” Claire said.

Claire has a number of supporters on her ticket including Gaye Tindall, president of the Green Point Association alongside being Deputy Chair of Community Resources and Phillip Costa, a previous NSW Government Minister for Water, Rural Affairs, Regional Development and Corrective Services.

“I’m very pleased I’ve got these wonderful people, as well as David, Heather and Dianne who are all strong, local community workers and who are creative and enthusiastic supporters of the community.

“They’re all Labor members who come to meetings, participate in everything that we do and are constantly putting forward ideas to benefit the Mid Coast,” Claire said.

Although Claire is a Labor member, she also believes that party politics should not be brought into Local Government and instead, local councillors should be focused on working together, regardless of party, to make a better MidCoast.



3 thoughts on “Meet The Candidates for MidCoast’s Election: Claire Pontin’s Ticket

  1. Hello Claire, I am prepared to vote for you in the coming mid coast elections . I live at Bluey’s Beach and I am very concerned with the proposed new development around the Croll Street and View Street areas. This would lead to vast overcrowding of this area and a huge strain on all infrastructure. What are your views? Kind Regards, Rick.

  2. Morning I have been corresponding with our local MP
    Peter Epov re: 7 Tyrone st Wingham and have sent numerous emails to council in 2021. We would just like to property cleaned up it’s a disgrace to our area.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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