Meet The Candidate Jan Davis Jan Davis The Greens for Port Stephens

Jan Davis.
Jan Davis.


JAN’S platform is tied to social justice, the protection of heritage natural and built and dealing with the threat of climate change.

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Jan Davis told News Of The Area, “I’m running for election because we need the Greens progressive agenda at the front of voters’ minds.”

“I care about the world my family will inherit and act always to preserve the natural beauty and sustainability of our planet.”

Jan believes that we need sustainable, climate proof transport options in our region, she is advocating for a rail link from the Newcastle Port Stephens Airport to Port Stephens centers and the wider region.

She also sees an opportunity to make a climate change proof railway from Glendale to Maitland and Kurri Kurri, giving people the option of travelling sustainably.

Port Stephens has alarming levels of land clearing threatening not only to our iconic koala population but other species of fauna and flora.

She believes that with the abolition of the Native Vegetation Act, we are seeing our rural and coastal surrounds and habitats being threatened, coupled with the risk of over-development in Paterson.

Jan is passionate about ensuring the future for our marine life which is threatened by seismic testing with gas exploration off our coastline.

Paterson is bounded by the ocean with the Hunter River; both the ocean and river are impacted by climate change effects.

The Hunter is being impacted by climate change, with salt load and heavy metals being released into the river from coal mines.

“We cannot ignore the threats caused by coal and sand mining, land clearing, power generation and PFAS contamination.

For the people of Paterson, these pollutions impact our air, waterways, and the proposed sand mine at Bob’s Farm is of concern particularly with the school situated nearby, our children’s health should never be discounted,” she said.

She believes that a government owned container terminal in the Port of Newcastle, as we move away from being reliant on coal is important infrastructure for the future.

Jan wants to see Tomaree headland with a long term public purpose use which enhances the region both visually, economically and sustainably.

The Greens advocate for more support for women at risk of domestic violence and people living with a disability.

They also support the transitioning from coal to renewable energy providing greater protection to the environment while creating sustainable employment; the reinstatement of TAFE and implementing Medicare for Dental Health.



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