Medowie and Raymond Terrace firies in final preparation before big climb

Firies across Port Stephens have trained hard in all kinds of locations, one being Stockton Bridge in full kit.
Firies across Port Stephens have trained hard in all kinds of locations, one being Stockton Bridge in full kit.


FIRE FIGHTERS across Port Stephens have been training hard for a great cause.

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Regardless of their brigade origin, they are united for a common goal, to raise funds and awareness for the horrific disease that kills two Australians everyday, Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

MND is a progressive, terminal neurological disease.

There is no known treatment or cure, and for every two Australians that die every day from MND, another two are diagnosed.

Raymond Terrace Fire and Rescue and Medowie Rural Fire Brigade both have members training hard for their special fundraiser, ‘Firies Climb for MND’ on 20 October, 2018.

All participating Fire Fighters will climb 1504 steps of the Sydney Tower Eye, in full fire fighting kit, weighing an extra 20 kilos on their bodies.

You can join the cause, and find your favourite local firefighter to support at:

If you’d like to support in person before the climb, the Medowie team have two more fundraisers you can contribute to.

You can attend their trivia fundraiser, organised by Amy LeMesurier and Louise McClelland as their contribution to the Lower Hunter RFS fundraising team.

It will take place on 13 October at Medowie Community Centre, where there will be prizes for best dressed and best table decorations.

Bookings can be made with Louise on 0407102282 for only $10 each.

There is also a ‘bucket shake’ outside Wirreanda Public School on Friday October 19 where you can donate loose change, buy a drink cooler or a slap band.

Kyra McGrorey-Clark, who will make the climb, told News Of The Area, “This is one of our last major opportunities to raise significant funds to help this cause.”

“There are teams on the list who have raised tens of thousands of dollars and I would love to see our current total double before the 20th.”

“We are so excited and feel so proud to have raised such a significant amount already, but want to make it even better.”

Another of Medowie’s climbers, Alice Lavender, posted recently outlining why these firefighters are doing this climb.

“When my lungs are screaming at me, and my legs start shaking with each step, when I ask myself why I chose to lug a compressed air cylinder up 1504 stairs wearing up to 20kg of structural gear, I will have one simple answer.”

“I do it for those who can’t, because I can.”

“I raise funds for Motor Neurone Disease, because I can.”

“I honour those who lost the fight, because I can.”

“Because while I am still here, and while a cure still eludes us, I endeavour to help in the fight against MND, because I can.”

If you can spare a few dollars, follow the link provided in our story, or get along to a final fundraising event as our wonderful firies do something very special.


By Rachael VAUGHAN


Firefighters in full kit, training at the gym to get used to climbing with over 20kg of equipment.
Firefighters in full kit, training at the gym to get used to climbing with over 20kg of equipment.

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