Mayoral Column with Cr Claire Pontin

WITH the Delivery Program and Operational Plan now voted on it means we can get to work on delivering for the community.

The Delivery Program is a statement of commitment to the community that translates the communities goals into clear actions and is the primary reference point for all activities undertaken by Council during its term of office.

It highlights what is achievable, what the priorities are and how services and projects will be resourced.

The draft document was on public exhibition from 6 May until 9 June and the final document will be made available on Council’s website within 28 days of it being adopted.

MidCoast Council rate payers will see an increase introduced in their rates for the new financial year.

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal set all Local Government increases and they have set a 5.20 percent rise for MidCoast residents.

IPART set the increases to allow councils to keep up with inflation and wage increases so they can continue to provide the services they do.

This is your last opportunity to have your say about the important Local Environment Plan.

It is currently out on public exhibition and all land and homeowners are urged to have a look at how it affects them and leave feedback.

The opportunity to have your say will close on 14 July so make sure you head to Council’s website to view the document and leave comment.

The Local Government elections are coming up later on this year.

Anyone can become a candidate and background and education are not obstacles when it comes to applying.

Those elected by their community are supported to help them understand the role through an induction and onboarding program.

For those interested we are hosting information sessions for potential candidates to talk to current Councillors and get a behind the scenes look.

Two sessions will be held on Monday 15 July at 3.30pm and the second on Wednesday 24 July at 5.30pm at MidCoast Council Customer Service and Administration Centre, Yalawanyi Ganya, 2 Biripi Way, Taree.

As the community you are our eyes and ears.

So if you see something that needs to be brought to Council’s attention don’t hesitate to head to our website and use our Report and Request system.

This is a new and improved system which tracks and provides feedback on the status of your request.

Lastly, if you want to keep up with all the latest information, recent and upcoming works and Council news subscribe to our Newswrap service which sends out weekly updates.

You can do this by going to

By MidCoast Mayor Claire Pontin

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