Mayor Denise Knight officially opens new facilities at Forsyth Park

Official opening from left to right – Mayor Denise Knight, Coffs City United Committee members past and present Glen Williams, Paul Israel, Glen Pearson, Jodi Wood, Greg Singleton, Brett Hodgekiss, David Wigley, Carmen McVicar, Builder Frank Malone, Coffs Harbour City Council Suellen and Jodie Burns.


COFFS Harbour Mayor Denise Knight officially opened the new facilities at Forsyth Park the home of Coffs United Football Club and underlined how clubs and community are working together to make a big impact.

“We are fast becoming the regional sporting capital of Australia and it all starts with grassroots community and clubs, said Cr Mayor Denise Knight.

The new facilities at Forsyth Park on McLean Street include gender neutral home and away change rooms, new toilet amenities, disabled access to the oval and a renovated canteen.

“This is great for Coffs Harbour Sport and also women’s sport with women of all ages being able to feel more comfortable with the new change room having nice new toilets and private shower cubicles. The new canteen facilities and overall facelift to the facility bring it up to modern standards. It’s been a hell of a year and we need to mark these occasions to show how far we have come,” said Mayor Knight.

Coffs City United FC President Jodi Wood gave a personal account of how this will impact the community for years to come.

“The new facilities will allow us to be a more inclusive club with disability access and improved facilities for women.

Having played for the club for almost 30 years now I know firsthand how important this is for the inclusion of girls and women in the sport and I am incredibly proud to know that my daughter will now have a more inclusive experience than those that have come before her because of this.”

Ms Wood expressed her gratitude to key stakeholders.

“There are many people to thank for making it happen, the Committee of volunteers who have, over many years, dedicated hundreds of hours of their time to this club and this community.

“To Stephen Douglas, Greg Singleton and builder Frank Malone who donated his work in kind.

“We are extremely grateful to the NSW State Government for providing the NSW Asian Cup legacy grant of $149,000 and to Football NSW and Northern NSW Football for supporting us with this project.

“We would also like to thank Coffs Harbour City Council who contributed $182,000 and particularly Andrew, Heather, Jodie and Suellen who have been so incredibly helpful and supportive of us.

“Jodie was instrumental in the interior design of our canteen and Suellen is always available to answer any questions we might have.

“And finally, to Mayor Denise Knight for being here today, you have always been such a big supporter of local sport and of this community so we couldn’t think of a better person to do the official opening. Thank you all so much for your time. It is so appreciated.”




The new toilet facilities, the renovated canteen and changing rooms.

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