Maureen and Graeme Cranfield on navigating life’s challenges together

Maureen and Graeme Cranfield.

SECURING the hand of a loved one in marriage is a significant milestone in anyone’s life.

It symbolises a commitment to love, honour, and cherish each other through all that life may bring.

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Camden Haven couple Maureen and Graeme Cranfield understand this better than most, having recently celebrated 60 years of marriage.

Hailing from different backgrounds, their love story is one of resilience, dedication and devotion.

For Graeme, the journey to secure Maureen’s hand started more than six decades ago.

Maureen had decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and pursue nursing, and it was through the profession that the couple’s paths first crossed.

Graeme’s mother required regular medical care, including fortnightly injections at the local GP where Maureen’s mother worked.

While Graeme waited for his mum to receive her treatment, Maureen would deliberately engage him in conversation.

One particular evening, Maureen found herself in need of a partner to accompany her to a party.

Graeme eagerly accepted the invitation to join her and the rest is history.

At the age of 22, their wedding marked the beginning of a journey filled with love, joy and shared memories.

Graeme and Maureen went on to have four wonderful children – two boys and two girls.

The couple said the arrival of each child added a new dimension of love, responsibility and fulfilment to their lives.

As their family expanded, so too did their circle of joy.

Maureen and Graeme now have eleven grandchildren; a source of endless happiness and cherished moments.

“We have had a wonderful happy life together,” Maureen told News Of The Area (NOTA).

“We have had our challenges but have overcome them.”

The couple moved to Camden Haven in 2008 to “begin the next stage of our lives” after holidaying in the area for years.

“However, fate had a different plan for us when one of our daughters fell seriously ill just three months into our retirement,” Maureen said.

“This led to Graeme and I taking on the responsibility of raising our daughter’s three children while she battled with her illness in hospital for several years.

“Despite the challenges we were going to face, we both viewed this as a privilege rather than a burden.

“Even though our situation was difficult at times, the kids were great and brought so much love and joy to our lives.”

Graeme aptly pointed out to NOTA that “marriage can be challenging at times, especially in today’s world”.

“However, our marriage was relatively easy, because we got on together and found happiness in a simple life.

“We also had mutual interests including our work so we could share what happened during the course of our day and this helped us to stay connected.”

Maureen said the pair have “rarely had a disagreement”.

“We might have different opinions but we have never had a cross word in our lives and I hope we won’t for a few more years to come,” she said.

“We are both really tolerant and when faced with challenges we have always made the most of the situation.

“We always have and still do everything together.

“Everyday we get our thermos and fill it with coffee and head out together for a little walk.

“Our love of family and finding pleasure in the simple things has kept our marriage strong.”


Maureen and Graeme celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary with a kiss.

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