Maree Jolleau’s Eclectic Art Practice

Examples of Maree’s prints on cushions and cards.

THE Coffs Coast’s magnetic pull continues to draw creative people like Maree Jolleau into its orbit.

Arriving three years ago, after almost a lifetime in the Southern Highlands, Jolleau set up a studio on the magnificent lower escarpment of Bruxner Park.

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Her view stretches from the ocean panorama to the looming mountains behind and makes the studio an agreeable space for creative practice.

Jolleau went from a technical college course to self-directed study and, after many years, emerged as an artist in her own right.

The turning point came when a friend and colleague in an adjacent studio took her to task over a particular piece she was working on; it was of her grandson playing in a puddle.

The friend badgered her to pay closer critical attention to the work, insisting she meet a higher standard of finesse.

In the process, Jolleau’s rather amateur attitude towards her practice turned into a professional and performative exercise of personal responsibility.

This transformation inspired her to act as a guide for other artists through private individual and group tuition.

“We learn from the intricacies of art practice to refine the perceptual function of the brain, allowing us to see the world in a totally different way,” she told the News Of The Area.

Her work is eclectic, drawing upon realistic representations, pointillism, impressionism and more figurative and stylised illustrations.

Commissions are a particular passion.

“I enjoy capturing moments that encapsulate significance for people, whether it’s pets, portraits, activities, favourite objects or places.”

She uses mixed media and materials such as paper, calico and board and also designs accessories, clothes, pillows and soft furnishings.

The artist’s work can be found on Instagram at poopik22.


Examples of Maree’s prints on cushions and cards.

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