Malaysian students farewelled from NV College

Departing Malaysian aged care students with NVC board members Amanda Davis, John O’Neill, Murray Sainsbury and RTO General Manger Karen Busby.

NV COLLEGE has farewelled a class of Malaysian aged care students who found their way into the hearts of many in the Nambucca Valley community.

The group were formally farewelled during a graduation ceremony on the completion of their practicum for their Certificate III in Individual Support (CHC33021).

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The Malaysian students completed three months of theoretical training in Malaysia before arriving in Australia last October.

They then undertook a three-month practicum at NV College and at two NVC Group aged care facilities – Macksville’s Autumn Lodge and Riverside Gardens in Nambucca Heads.

The students will now take their new-found expertise back to Malaysia, playing a role in the transformation of the country’s care economy.

“This was an amazing opportunity for the students, coming to learn in Australia, and for our college,” NV College’s Karen Busby told News Of The Area.

“At NV College we give all our students hands-on training that will enable them to provide quality care and we know all of these students will have a rewarding career ahead of them.”

The Malaysian students were unanimous about the high quality of training provided by NV College.

“The level of equipment available to workers in the age care sector in Australia is of great benefit to both the people under care and the staff working with them and I will be relaying the benefits of this equipment when I get back to Malaysia,” said student Harry.

Another student, Segahrul, spoke of the stigma attached to aged care facilities in Malaysia, where aged care is traditionally a family responsibility.

Segahrul said he will now work to change that stigma.

The students were also highly complimentary of the efforts that aged care workers in Australia go to improve the day-to-day quality of life of those in care.

From a cultural perspective, the students told NOTA how much they enjoyed participating in such events as the Macksville Open Streets Festival and the Nambucca Heads Christmas Festival.

The Malaysian students were also very vocal in their thanks to NVC Group partner IEG Campus and Yayasan Peneraju for their generous support and financing, as well as to the Australian High Commission in Malaysia for their assistance with this pilot program.

NV College is hopeful of further programs with Malaysia and is about to conduct a similar program with aged care students from Fiji.


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