Malaami Conversation with Gumbaynggirr Elder Uncle Cecil Briggs

Born in Bellingen in 1939, Uncle Cecil Briggs is a proud Gumbaynggirr Elder, who will speak at the Centre for Ecological Learning’s inaugural Malaami Conversation.

THE Centre for Ecological Learning (CEL) in Bellingen presents the inaugural Malaami Conversation with guest elder Uncle Cecil Briggs, taking place on Sunday 9 July 2023.

Meeting in the gardens behind Thora General Store, this event is the first of a series of Junga-Narranga experiences featuring Gumbaynggirr voices shedding their wisdom on working towards Malaami and supporting a life-sustaining future for all beings.

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Junga-Ngarranga translates to “deep listening; paying respect; learning; studying; deep knowing” while Malaami means “return/back to origin”.

Born in Bellingen in 1939, Uncle Cecil Briggs is a proud Gumbaynggirr Elder and a living archive of deep custodial knowledge and wisdom.

Motivated by a strong calling to share his voice with the community at this time, Uncle Cecil says he is “a keeper of stories” and believes “there’s no use having a voice if you don’t use it”.

At Malaami he will share memories and knowledge about how his ancestors “lived on Country prior to invasion”, Jaid Roden, speaking on behalf of the Malaami organising group, told News Of The Area.

He will talk about, “life back then (which) was governed by the seasons; the way of the people was in sync with the way of nature.

“The intention of the event is for our wider community to listen deeply to whatever Uncle Cecil feels to share on the day,” she said.

“Uncle Cecil has lived experience and witnessed the devastation of colonisation.

“His parents chose not to speak Gumbaynggirr with him and the other children for fear they would be taken away.

“Uncle Cecil may speak to the profound loss and hurt experienced by his people and Country,” said Jaid.

The Malaami Project, an initiative of the CEL, arose through a desire to think about our futures differently and build climate resilience in the Bellingen Shire.

“Malaami reminds us that First Nations cultures have a lot to teach us about resilience,” said Jaid.

“Let us come together and be moved to deeper awareness, connection and respect by Uncle Cecil’s rich stories and powerful truth-telling.”

Supported by a grant from Bellingen Shire Council, the Malaami Project launched in March 2023 with a Gumbaynggirr-led Learning from Country event and a futures-building workshop.

From that launch, a keen organising group arose.

Their Malaami Conversation program has been created as a series of events that will give voice to important leaders in the community.

Malaami Conversation starts at 10am and goes through until 2pm.

Food and drinks are available for purchase at Thora General Store.

BYO chairs or blankets, cushions and mug.

Parking is available next-door at Roses Park Campground or on the opposite side of the road at Thora Hall.

All money collected from registering for this event will go directly towards an honorarium for Uncle Cecil and to support further Malaami events.

Gumbaynggirr/First Nations people are invited to attend this event at no charge.

Anyone who is experiencing financial challenges is very welcome to join us for free; please contact us at for a complimentary ticket.


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