Macksville Polocrosse to host NSW Club Championships

Macksville Polocrosse member Laura Donnelly on horse-back at a local carnival. Photo: K Connors Photography.


THE Macksville Polocrosse Club is back in the saddle and competing at the top of their game after Covid-19 put a dampener on the Polocrosse sport Australia wide.

Each year every Polocrosse team in New South Wales hosts a carnival.

It is with immense pride, the Macksville Polocrosse Club has been selected to host the biggest carnival of the year called the NSW Club championships.

Being such a small club with only 8-9 active members at full capacity, they face many challenges in hosting such a large event.

Macksville doesn’t have a designated training facility or an area with enough room to host a normal carnival, therefore a carnival at this magnitude would be impossible to host locally.

It has been decided the event will take place at the Equestrian Centre at Hawthorn Park in Grafton.

The only other facility is Nana Glen but it is often very busy.

Grafton was selected as it is a little more central for those coming down from Queensland.

“We have a lot of local sponsors and with the recent events such as floods, fires and Covid-19 it is amazing these businesses are still supporting both financially and by volunteering their time.

“We are so thankful,” Macksville Polocrosse member Alyssa told News Of The Area.

“We have had some large agricultural companies sponsor this event which is a great help also.”

The Macksville Polocrosse team are well on the way to being ready for the July 30-August 1 Championships.

The need for more hands-on volunteers is top on the list of priorities for this club.

They expect to host 60 teams at the Championships meaning there will be just under 400 participants.

“Polocrosse is a family event, we expect a very large turnout for this event,” Alyssa said.

When asked how to best explain polocrosse Alyssa smiled and answered, “It is likened to rugby on horseback.

“A cross between Netball, Lacrosse and Rugby.

“It is a very technical game and very fast paced.

“It is amazing fun, it is one of the few sports mum, dad and the kids can play together, even be on the same team,” Alyssa added.

The Macksville Polocrosse Club is a very skilled one, consisting of a top side and a few extra players that join in the mixed teams at each carnival.

All but two players from the top team have played at State and National level.

Throughout this year, the Macksville team have dominated the polocrosse carnivals for wins and at every carnival so far, one or more of their members have been selected for personal prizes and awards.

“It is a very competitive team,” Alyssa said of this small dynamic club.

There is a new initiative happening in the Polocrosse industry at the moment in hope of encouraging new players to the game.

It is called Blue Bandage.

The interested player comes to a carnival, pays $20 and the club supplies them with the equipment needed to have a go.

Experienced players take the ‘Blue Bandage’ players out onto the field and show them how to play, teach them a few of the rules and have a little game with them.

A potential player can participate in Blue Bandage as many times as they like.

At the moment the Macksville club is too small to be a Blue Bandage host.

Anyone wanting to have a go at Blue bandage is encouraged to attend the Coffs Harbour Polocrosse team.

The NSW Club Championship event will have food available and bars serving alcohol, and on Saturday night at the event the participants will be entertained by DJ Marcus Ulric, followed by a dinner with the facilities of the bar available.

This is not one to miss!

If you are interested in volunteering your time, be sure to reach out to the Macksville Polocrosse.




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