Macksville Garden Club hosts Zone Meeting

The Salvation Army meeting hall in Macksville.

THE ample Salvation Army meeting hall in Macksville was the perfect venue for the Zone Meeting of the region’s Garden Clubs, held on the morning of Friday 16 February.

Lower North Coast Zone Coordinator Mal Mckinlay travelled from Port Macquarie to chair the meeting alongside Macksville Garden Club President Marion Watts.

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“This was our third combined zone committee meeting that had been held, to strengthen the Garden Clubs in our areas, which has proven to be a wonderful way to introduce clubs to each other and enable them to work collectively and share ideas and garden events,” Mal said.

The combined zone represents 22 clubs and affiliates of Garden Clubs of Australia, stretching from Gloucester in the far south of the zone to Coffs Harbour to the north.

Friday’s event welcomed 32 keen gardeners with club representatives visiting from Gloucester, Wauchope, Talarm, Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Stuarts Point, Valla, Bellingen, South West Rocks and Nambucca.

The various clubs also hold friendship day events.

Last November a Christmas Friendship Day was held, where fifteen Garden Clubs were represented with over 75 members attending.

“During the COVID pandemic it was shown worldwide the importance of gardening in improving our mental and physical wellbeing, this I believe is one of the reasons to help strengthen the Garden Clubs and continue to enable members to connect with fellow gardeners,” Mal said.


Marion Watts can be contacted on 02 6564 8897 and


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