Macksville Country Club Golf and Bowls

Phil congratulating Andrew on the win.


GREAT weather for a big weekend at the country club.

Golf saw the biggest field we’ve had in years for the Paul Hapgood sponsored Ambrose event.

Murray Spear, Mick Manning and Dale Bunton won with a net 53.1 from Kaz Perry, Daniel Traymor and Allan Clarke.

Being a fun event it was good to see a lot of social golfers turnout for a game .

Bowls – The Consistency final saw Jake Simpson win against Paul Ward.

This is an elimination event that is played on handicap starting off with about 60 players.

Jake is better known for his golf, yet he’ll have to play golf for years to match his winnings from this event.

The major singles final saw Andrew Shearer overcome Phil Brennan, which saw his name go on to the club champions board.



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