Macksville Country Club Golf

Tony Adams and Graham Vincent waiting for John Poole, who seems to lack confidence with his putt on the 3rd.

JOHN and Beryl Fortescue sponsored Saturday’s Stableford event which was won by Rama Gennet in a tight finish.

Runner up with a return to form was Tray Grace ahead of Greg Hogan on a countback.

While playing in the Stableford Garry Clark and James Collision also played their match in the Furniture One knockout.

Garry prevailed, winning two up with one hole to play.

Ladies winner Jo Montague is so consistent it must be (pleasingly) boring.

Lorraine King as runner up was back in form.

In the Mid Week Competition Neil Cuneen’s consistent form saw him win from Luke Laverty with Carmel Frudenstein and Allan Clarke ahead of the rest.

Thanks to all the volunteers helping with course upgrades.

Concrete cart paths are being installed in areas that can be a problem when wet.

The Col Harding memorial Three Person Ambrose will be played on Saturday 22.


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