LUSC Landcare group invite community get involved

AS PART of national Landcare week, the LUSC Landcare group is inviting interested community members to visit them at work on Friday 9 August.

The group will be working at Apex Park near the Dunbogan Bridge and will be on site from 8.30 am.

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In the fifteen months since the group formed they have already made a huge impact on the 70-plus exotic species that infest bushland along the Laurieton foreshore.

“One of the worst of these is the Morning Glory vine that is abundant in our local area and eventually kills trees by smothering them,” the group’s Sue Baker said.

Visitors will be able to see what the group has achieved at the Apex Park site, the severity of weed invasion, the many types of weeds that are being treated and the different techniques used to treat them.

Well attended workshops.

Local Landcare groups were thrilled to have 72 people attend their Day of Nature workshop at Laurieton United Services Club on 13 July, funded by Energy Forever.

“Fascinating insights were given in relation to endangered native bees including a first-hand look at a variety of native bee ‘hotels’ and how to build them, the beneficial and critical role of insects in the garden and how to create a wildlife friendly garden,” said Sue.

“Other topics included the growing concept around the world originating in Japan, of the creation of urban ‘pocket forests’ or the creation of multi-layer gardens that cater for a variety of wildlife and make ‘stepping stones’ for feeding spots within urban areas.”

Local Landcare groups are based at Kendall, Queens Lake, North Haven, Dunbogan and Laurieton.

These groups are battling large-scale weed issues and all of them need new members.

Can you help?

For details go to the Hastings Landcare website at or email

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