MEMBERS from Port Stephens SES have teamed up with NSW Ambulance (Rutherford and Singleton) to build the Hunter Valley Rescue Team.
The Team will be competing in the first of two events, as part of the 2021 World Rescue Challenge.

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The team of six (David, Jamie, Ken, Alysha, Jane and Steve) will be representing Australia!
Alysha of Port Stephens SES told News Of The Area, “This year looks a bit different to others, as it will be a virtual event – the very first Virtual World Rescue Challenge.
“The first event taking place is the Extrication Challenge.
“The second event taking place later this month is the Trauma Challenge.”
The team has sent out a huge thank you to the Australasian Road Rescue Organisation (ARRO) for sponsoring our local team to compete for Australia.
The ARRO is the peak body in Australasia for the development and exchange of information, knowledge and skills in road rescue.
Its membership is drawn from the individuals and organisations in the emergency services that assist people at road crashes everyday such as Fire Services, State Emergency Services and Ambulance Services.
The Port Stephens SES recently swept the board at the NSW State Road Crash Rescue Championships in Mogo, on the NSW South Coast, where the combined team was successful in winning seven of the nine awards, taking out the categories of Trauma challenge winner, CPR Challenge winner, Entrapped Rescue winner, Controlled Rescue winner, Best Medical Team winner, Best Technical Team winner and Overall SES winner.