Local real estate agent gives back to Bulahdelah Men’s Shed

Front: President David Flynn, Debra Thomson, Kevin Smith, Bob Bonner. Behind: Royce Ford and David Skinn.

LOCAL real estate agent Debra Thomson is giving back to the community with every sale.

Since launching her own company, Debra Thomson Property, Debra has looked for ways to give back to the areas in which she operates.

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This month saw Debra donate $1,500 towards the Bulahdelah Men’s Shed, who were the first recipients of her donations back in February when the scheme began.

Debra says that she loves to give back to the community, supporting organisations that benefit locals.

“As an agent since starting my own business at the end of last year, I like to give back to the community after every sale in that area.

“Since my first sale as a solo agent, I’ve supported the Men’s Shed and Bulahdelah Golf Club, where I presented the donation and celebrated with lunch,” Debra said.

Currently the Bulahdelah Men’s Shed are in the process of relocating to a larger, more suitable location and President David Flynn says this funding helps to obtain the gear necessary to move forward with the relocation.

“Without people like Debra, our community organisations would not be able to accomplish these great things – we’re very thankful for Debra’s continued support,” David said.

Generously, the Bulahdelah Golf Club has offered a space in which the Men’s Shed can build their new shed.
“We are at the DA stage now with the Council and have put a Memorandum of Understanding in place with the Bulahdelah Golf Club who are very enthusiastic to see the new shed move forward.

“There is still a long way to go to see this project come to fruition, but it won’t be for the want of trying by both parties.”

David says the members of the respective parties should all be commended for the enthusiasm and drive that has been shown to achieve this goal.

The current Shed is at capacity and the Men’s Shed has begun opening for a second day each week (Tuesday and Wednesday 9.00am to 1.00pm) to cater for the additional new members and try to keep up with the projects as they come in.

The Men’s Shed aims to provide a space which focuses on men’s health and benefits the community.

David says that the current limited shed size and lack of suitable safe access continue to be an ongoing problem for the organisation, particularly in the wet weather that the region has been facing.

“These issues can only be addressed by moving from where we are at the moment, behind the Memorial Hall and next to the Preschool,” David said.

“We are determined that the Shed is going to keep going and prosper.”


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