Local Landcare AGM hosts national speaker

National Landcare Facilitator Melanie Tyas will be the guest speaker at Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare AGM.

NATIONAL Landcare Facilitator Melanie Tyas is guest speaker at Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare AGM on 18 September.

A resident of Bellingen, Melanie is well known to Coffs Harbour as being a “friend” of CHRL for many years.

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She was State Community of Practice and Events Manager for the Landcare Enabling Program and Project Manager for the very successful Eat Dirt Project conducted with Bellingen High School.

Her new national role focuses on the Strengthen Landcare – Nature Repair program.

“It’s a great opportunity to talk to grassroots Landcarers, as that’s where the action is,” she told News Of The Area.

“It’s also great to get the message out about the National Landcare Network and what we do.”

With national support, state and territory Landcare organisations support more than 170,000 volunteers across Australia.

“The Landcare community is amazing and it’s not just Landcare, it’s Bushcare, Rivercare, Dunecare etc.”

Ms Tyas says she will talk about some exciting new initiatives.

“Landcare is employing two First Nations facilitators and a volunteer Landcare facilitator… to help develop a project bank to attract new volunteers, [ensure] novel recognition of volunteers, and [to look at] how we partner with organisations such as the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation, Volunteering Australia and Citizen Science Australia.

“My role is incredibly diverse but it’s really about working with the CEOs of the State and Territory organisations, their boards, the National Landcare Network board and the Members’ Council to make sure we are all on the same page.”

In a nutshell it’s about establishing a plan for the next 50 years.

“The two-way initiative is incredibly exciting – exploring how we can combine traditional land management with regenerative practices to restore the land together.”

Recently, she saw a story about the Yurruungga Aboriginal Corporation, and how they now have a decommissioned fire tanker painted with Aboriginal designs.

She then organised to meet YAC founders Dean Kelly and Brentyn Lugnan.

“It was great to explore how we can work together.

“It’s the possibilities – they are endless.”


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