Local couple celebrate 60 years of wedded bliss

Ros and Don Landsdowne celebrate their Diamond wedding anniversary.

LATEST statistics indicate that 43 percent of marriages end in divorce, with many occurring in the first few years of marriage.

For Ros and Don Landsdowne this has certainly not been the case with them celebrating their Diamond (60th) wedding anniversary with family and friends.

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Meeting at a dance at Gosford, Ros remarked to a friend that she thought that Don was “a bit quiet for me”.

After a four year engagement they married and settled eventually in Bulahdelah in 1953 where they have resided ever since.

Don was a long time teacher at Bulahdelah Central School and Ros raised their three sons, who were all born in Bulahdelah and described by Ros and Don as “beautiful”.

Their middle son Rodney told Myall Coast News Of The Area that his parents were wonderful and very supportive whilst they were growing up.

Ros commented that the most memorable thing about their marriage was “having someone to look after you and love you”.

“My advice for a long lasting marriage is do as your husband tells you,” laughed Ros.

“Just try to be together all the time and look after one another, I’m very lucky as he is a very kind and caring husband and he’s always been the same and he always does as he is told,” Ros said.

“I’ve been very lucky and particularly since I’ve been sick he has been wonderful.

“We are very lucky to have each other as we are and had the same interests.”

Don said it has been a “wonderful life”.

“At times it looks like we are going to have a blue but it’s only a joke.”

Another highlight of their marriage was spending seven months in 1979 travelling around Australia.

“The kids hated it but I hadn’t travelled much so I enjoyed every second,” said Ros.

With three sons, five grandchildren, four great grandchildren and another one due in June, they are enjoying their extended family and life each day at a much slower pace.

We wish them the best for their continued years together.


The Landsdowne’s wedding 60 years ago.

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