Local Coffs Sporting Clubs To Help Address Mental Health Issues


ALL local sporting organisations can now apply for grants of up to $150,000 to fund activities that provide mental health, resilience and wellbeing benefits to individuals and groups in the region.

The offer is part of a $2.8 million Mental Health Sports program being pushed by NSW Health.

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Local sporting bodies can apply for one of two types of grants through the program: the Fast Track scheme for up to $30,000 in funding or the Standard grant for funding from $30,000 to $150,000.

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh hopes local sporting organisations will serve up some great ideas for delivering mental health and wellbeing activities through the program.

“Sporting clubs are the heart and soul of the Coffs Coast, helping to forge strong community ties and a strong sense of place,” Mr Singh said.

According to NSW Health sporting bodies can deliver projects that support the general population or specific priority population groups including Aboriginal people, LGBTQI+ people, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) people and individuals with coexisting alcohol and other drug-related and mental health issues.

Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said the Government is looking to sporting clubs to inspire people to make their mental health and wellbeing a top priority in 2022.

“These grants are intended to take conversations about mental health out of the clinic and into the clubhouse,” Mrs Taylor said.

“We want people talking about how they’re going emotionally and mentally in a setting they are comfortable with.

“Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins, distract from daily worries and is a great way to meet new friends or catch up with old ones, making it a fantastic remedy for maintaining a healthy mind and lifestyle,” Mrs Taylor said.

Mr Singh said clubs have until March 6 to apply for the grants.

“I strongly encourage local sporting groups to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, so our region can kick goals both on and off the field,” Mr Singh said.

For more information and applications, visit https://bit.ly/34HgU1f.

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