Local author John Clarke nears completion of ‘Marsh Road’

The Dalton sons’ efforts to improve conditions along Marsh Road.

AFTER three years of gathering information, old photographs and documents, John Clarke’s new book ‘Marsh Road’ is almost ready to be sent to the printer.

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A well known local identity and NOTA history and fishing columnist, Mr Clarke’s latest work focuses on the period from 1880 to the 1960s and follows the efforts of those who lived in Bobs Farm to farm the rich, fertile soil, to grow oysters, and to run dairy cattle.

The book also documents the efforts of the amazing community to establish a roadway that was both serviceable and safe.

John’s research has led him to come to the conclusion that at no stage since the very early 1920s, when the road was established, has it been up to scratch.

“The issues currently being experienced by the residents of Bobs Farm, relating to the poor condition of Marsh Road, have been ongoing since the road was first built over 100 years ago,” John said.

If anyone has any stories, information or old photos that they wish to be considered for the book, please contact John within the coming fortnight at stinkerfishing@yahoo.com.

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