Lively attendance at Death & Dying Expo

Woopi Gardens hosted the Coffs Coast Death & Dying Expo.

THE inaugural Coffs Coast Death & Dying Expo, held at the Woopi Gardens, attracted more than 100 people.

“It truly came together as the community event we envisioned,” end of life doula Rani Foreman and funeral celebrant Wendy Haynes told News Of The Area.

“It was a lively gathering to bridge gaps and bring people together to connect, inspire, educate and have meaningful conversations.”

The 20 exhibitors included funeral directors, celebrants, death doulas, aged care staff, legal and end of life service providers, and educators.

Wendy Haynes MCed the event and panel discussions covered a broad spectrum of issues associated with death.

These conversations were described as “deep sharing”.

Attendee Bath E* said: “It was lovely to be a part of it. A great atmosphere, ideal venue and very inclusive.

“I enjoyed the light-hearted yet meaningful approach.”

Nina B*. said, “I left the expo feeling knowledgeable and grounded.

“I learnt the legality of wills; and also what is available for those grieving.”

Woopi Gardens proved to be “a beautiful space, the perfect venue”, said Rani.

Next year’s Death & Dying Expo will be held in early August to align with the annual Dying To Know Day Campaign.


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