Linda Woodrow presents permaculture gardening workshop

Linda Woodrow brings 40 years’ practise of permaculture to a workshop at Coffs Regional Community Gardens.

PERMACULTURE advocate and author Linda Woodrow is presenting a workshop at the Coffs Regional Community Gardens on Sunday 23 July.

Permaculture in the Garden workshop is a free event sponsored through the Living Lightly program run by Our Living Coast, a sustainable living hub for the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca Councils.

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Coffs Harbour local Linda is a passionate permaculturist whose book, ‘The Permaculture Home Garden’, has become a famous text amongst the gardening community.

Linda has been practising permaculture for over forty years and has a thriving suburban garden in Coffs Harbour.
“Participants will learn how to integrate permaculture principles into your garden to make it more resilient and abundant,” Lara, secretary, Coffs Regional Community Gardens, told News Of The Area.

“People often think of permaculture as a variety of organic agriculture, but it’s much more than that,” she said.

“At its heart, permaculture is a design system that can be applied to almost anything.

“It’s a system that sees ‘work’ and ‘waste’ as signs that something isn’t right . . . resources (including human energy) aren’t moving efficiently through the system.

“They aren’t cycling, they’re being lost, and of course losing stuff makes you poorer,” she said.

“At a macro level, waste is pollution, which as we all know is now being produced in such quantities it’s in danger of crashing the entire earth’s ecosystem.

“But at a home garden level, permaculture is a design system that you can use to make your garden richer – less wasting work and resources, more delicious, healthy fruit, vegies and herbs right at your doorstep,” she said.

Linda loves sharing education in permaculture.

“I think we shouldn’t, and we don’t, have to choose between doing what’s best for our own families – our health, our household budget, the beauty and ease around us – and what’s best for the planet.

“There’s a famous quote from Graham Burnett: ‘permaculture is a revolution disguised as organic gardening’, and I think that’s true,” she said.

The workshop explains permaculture, how it differs from standard organic gardening, and how it works in a home garden.

Linda will demonstrate and discuss methods and tips about how to have abundant, healthy fruit, vegetables and herbs right at your fingertips without working those fingertips to the bone.

It is an interactive two-hour session, guiding you how to use design to get nature working for you, how to create healthy soil without buying inputs, and how to work with the seasons and get predators to control the pests.

Taking place on Sunday 23 July 2023, 10.30am to 12.30pm, register for a free place online at


Permaculture in the Garden workshop presenter Linda Woodrow will demonstrate how to use design to get nature working for you to produce yummy fruit, vegies and herbs.

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