Libertarian candidate John Gazecki calls for return to ‘basic services’

John Gazecki.

ADVOCATING for councils to focus on providing core services, John Gazecki will contest Saturday’s MidCoast council election on the Libertarian Party (formerly Liberal Democrats) ticket.

“I believe Councils must revert to basic services, such as making sure the roads are fixed and maintained and the rubbish continues to be collected,” Mr Gazecki told NOTA.

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“Council must ensure that basic community services such as public swimming pools and aged care homes remain open and accessible, however, must not interfere with our private lives by pursuing broader divisive social ideology.”

Mr Gazecki is also a firm believer in the benefits of council de-amalgamation.

“Now that legislation has paved the way, Councils must de-amalgamate,” he said.

“Super-councils such as MidCoast Council, which have become bureaucratic money-burning behemoths, must be broken apart.

“Once Council focus reverts to the important services, the size of Council can be dramatically reduced, helping lower rates, which continue to rise unabated under the current regime.”

The Libertarian candidate is also pushing for less Council involvement on private property, and for a more efficient development application (DA) process.

“What you do on your own property is your own business, providing you are not hurting anyone or breaking the law,” he said.

“Council’s must not punish farmers for building or fixing cattle dams, and if a minor law has been inadvertently breached on a farm, Council must actively help you fix things, rather than issue fines and take you to court.

“Council must make the DA process as easy and cheap as possible so that it does not cost you thousands of dollars to install a driveway.”

Mr Gazecki, a lawyer, moved to Warranulla four years ago (between Bulahdelah and Gloucester).

Since his arrival locally Mr Gazecki has become a registered animal rescuer, a reserve firefighter in training at the Gloucester RFS, and served a term at the Bulahdelah Tennis Club Committee.

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