Letter to the Editor:Thank you Coffs Harbour

DEAR News Of The Area,

OVER the past week the Coffs Harbour region played host to the Australian Secondary Schools 18 Years National Rugby League Championship.

The decision to bring this championship to Coffs Harbour this year was based on a host of reasons linking sport and education, including the world-class sporting infrastructure, a history of excellence in hosting similar events, excellent training and rehab facilities, a central location for incoming teams, suitable accommodation and hosting facilities and large scale venues to host functions associated with the event.

As teams, officials and supporters now leave the Coffs region to return home, it is not just the facilities that are etched in our memories of the event.

We are indeed so grateful to the many people who provided the locally based proficiency and support that was essential to achieving such a successful outcome.

The expertise of the dedicated team of C.ex Stadium event coordinators and ground staff, the Coffs NRL development officer and local rugby league team administrators was vital in ensuring the championship proceeded in difficult weather conditions, and the C.ex Club event coordinator then excelled in hosting the main functions associated with the championships.

Thank you Coffs Harbour.. we came with a plan, you made it happen.


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