Letter to the Editor: World class waterfront destination

DEAR News Of The Area,

IT’S déjà vu again as a new Mayor with her cohorts takes over the council and totally disregards 69 percent of the people of Coffs Harbour.

Surely there should be some accountability.

Surely the council should go back to basics and consider a long-term aspect for future generations to come.

There are plenty of opportunities to make Coffs a world class waterfront destination as our mayor has stated (NOTA 22 November) without the destruction of the green space on our foreshores.

The foreshores can and will contribute to Coffs’ growth and world standing simply by improving what’s already there and especially improving the dated and already existing commercial areas… now there’s a challenge for the Mayor and council.

Beautify the area but don’t destroy it.

Coffs has an enviable wholesome reputation… unspoilt, clean, green and natural.

We don’t want to lose this.

When the ‘Gang of five’ think they know better than the overwhelming majority of locals, something is wrong.

We need to rein in delusional thinking before we finish up with a monstrosity on the foreshore that ruins this much-loved recreational space for everybody.

George PARTOS,
Coffs Harbour.

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