Letter to the Editor: Wind farm protests affecting mental health of resident

DEAR News Of The Area,

WHAT happened on the waters of Port Stephens on Sunday 11 August was unimaginable.

A large motor cruiser behaved in a dangerous and menacing manner by zig zagging around the Wangi Queen at close range.

This kind of testosterone-fueled antagonistic behaviour has no place in our society.

If you read the wind farm protesters’ social media, you will be sickened by the abusive language that certain individuals post up there, and backed up by their mates who are intent on destroying, not uniting, the Port Stephens community.

Before they started this political campaign, yes there were always differences in opinion – but we have never stooped to such a low level when sharing our views.

This situation shows how hate speech online can progress and escalate to physical and aggressive behaviour by those who have no respect for others, or responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

Are these aggressors aware that the MPs and councillors they are verbally and now physically intimidating have children and elderly parents?

Or do they not care?

How would the game fishermen like it if their families witnessed people treating them as they are treating our Port Stephens community?

All three of our government representatives are women, and they have been continually personally insulted and ridiculed by these protesters for the past twelve months.

Their children and family see the rude roadside signs or the social media slander and they get targeted for who they are related to.

Where is the Mayor of Port Stephens in all this?

Oh, he’s a bloke.

The Wangi Queen incident was not what anyone could call a peaceful protest – those of us who have genuine concerns about the wind farm proposal cannot possibly think this behaviour was acceptable?

Other women in Port Stephens, maybe not the intended targets of such intimidating behaviour, are now afraid to state their opinions or attend public events because of these thuggish ringleaders.

It is clear that the protesters facebook page is motivated by politics, and the original genuine objection to the offshore wind proposal has been lost in the ugly world of political point-scoring. This is not the Port Stephens we know and love, where we respect differing views.

Please think about your cruel words and unnecessary actions because only you are responsible for the effect they have on families in our community, their mental health and their children’s mental health.

Nelson Bay.

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