Letter to the Editor: Transparency of political allegiances

DEAR News Of The Area,

I AM writing in support of City of Coffs Harbour election candidates being open and honest about their political membership and affiliations.

It concerns me that some candidates are very critical of candidates who are members of political parties saying that they are beholden to party lines whilst they claim to be independent.

There are Mayoral candidates who are members/supporters of the National Party yet register as independent.

They campaign on a platform of openness and transparency.

These candidates also seem to have endless resources coming from who knows where to promote themselves and their platforms.

Yet when asked specific questions regarding intensive agriculture, clean waterways and the Jetty Foreshores do not give a clear position.

Membership of and registration as a candidate for a political party does not mean the party tells you how to vote. Tony Judge is a case in point given his support for the community’s opposition to the State Government and National Party position on high end residential high rise development at the Jetty Foreshores.

Are these candidates embarrassed about their affiliations and if so why?

Local government must answer to all members of the community to address the huge challenges we all face openly and honestly.

Emerald Beach.

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