Letter to the Editor: The importance of local reporting

DEAR News Of The Area,

THANK you for the invitation to be a part of what we must hope will become as much a part of the community as the Dungog Chronicle in its original form had become.

The Chronicle began in 1888 and was a broadsheet.

In my youth it was published twice weekly on Tuesday and Saturday.

It consisted of the most amazingly detailed descriptions of all manner of things.

For example, take weddings.

They included what the bride wore, what was consumed at the wedding breakfast, and details of the entire wedding party.

It was full of the comings and going of the leading citizens of the day.

It also featured detailed reporting of ‘Clearing Sales’, i.e. sales of goods and chattels of share farmers, as they realised they were on a hiding to nothing, and had decided to move on and try their luck elsewhere.

In today’s world a lot of what filled the four vast pages would be considered total rubbish, but back then it kept folks in touch with each other; vital in a world where instant connection, such as we have today, could never have been conceived.

I, and I’m sure everyone else in the Dungog LGA and beyond wish you nothing but success, and we have awaited the first issue with great anticipation.


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