Letter to the Editor: The importance of dredging operations

THE current edition of NOTA contains an excellent summary of the sand renourishment program along Jimmys Beach written by Thomas O’Keefe, however there is one statement attributed to MidCoast Director Mr Robert Scott, which needs clarification.

He is quoted as saying “continued dredging of the channel assists recreational boating”.

In itself this is a very true statement, however it omits several important factors in maintaining the dredging of the eastern or natural entrance.

We could also add the fact that the ferry operations would benefit from quicker and cheaper passage.

Of major importance in having that entrance included in the forthcoming program and kept clear into the future are the following facts.

· The Eastern entrance was the only channel into the Myall estuary. The current Corrie channel was a creek and dredged in 1909.

· The eastern entrance provides the estuarine system with fresh oceanic waters. The false channel contains a high percentage of brackish waters.

· Oceanic waters maintain healthy and varied marine life, clear waters and continued maintenance will provide the pristine environment we have been blessed with.

It is vitally important that both MidCoast, Port Stephens Councils and Government authorities recognise this importance.

Myall River Action Group.

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