Letter to the Editor: The endless try-on

DEAR News Of The Area,

A POLL running alongside the Council elections in September will give the residents of Coffs Harbour, for the first time, a formal say on the State Government’s proposal to sell off their land holdings at the Jetty foreshore to a private developer.

The opponents of this plan are often belittled as being of an older generation.

Maybe they can remember thirty years plus of venal governments trying to soft soap us into agreeing to this outrageous sell-off of priceless public land.

The only difference this time is the slickness of their taxpayer funded marketing campaign.

Each time they have been thwarted by the blatant unsuitability of the land for mass residential development and push back from the people of Coffs.

Many older citizens undoubtedly also recall that the Bjelke-Petersen government was determined to sell off the Expo 88 site for commercial development and their plan foundered solely on the rock of mass public opposition.

This land is now Southbank, the community heart of Brisbane and its greatest tourist attraction. Exactly what the Jetty foreshore should be for us.

We can only hope the people of Coffs stand up once again in September and, for the future of their city, say NO to this unconscionable and relentless try-on.

Coffs Harbour.

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