LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Budget was good for our region

DEAR News Of The Area,

IN the aftermath of every Federal Budget there is a reckoning.

There is always one key question – is it good for us?

In the case of the 2023 Budget the answer for the Coffs Harbour region is a resounding yes.

Census data on our region tells us that we are older, more likely to be dependent on government payments, more likely to have a disability, more likely to be a sole parent and more likely to need regular medical treatment.

Like most of regional NSW, our incomes are not as high as people in capital cities.

The key support measures in the 2023 Budget are specifically designed to help regions like ours.

Measures like the increase in Jobseeker payments, especially to over 55s, will make a positive difference to those of us who are struggling to find suitable work.

The dramatic reduction in the cost of prescription medications will help people with health issues, as will the increase in the bulk billing bonus for GPs.

The salary increase for staff in aged care won’t just benefit the staff – it will make a real difference to any of us who require good care as we age.

At the other end of the age scale, sole parents and their children will benefit from the extension of sole parent payments until children reach 14 years of age.

It is tempting to look for specific measures like local grants when assessing the value of the Budget for regions.

However, when you take the time to really look under the bonnet, this Budget was tailored to help the people who need it most in regions just like ours.

The Albanese Government should be applauded.


3 thoughts on “LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Budget was good for our region

  1. Absolutely correct Tony Judge yet again you have seen through the hype to show how funding actually works when it is aimed in exactly the right direction.

  2. Some group will always feel left out. Considering how bad it has been and that the Coalition wouldn’t do any of these things I am so grateful some help is on the way.
    Remember all the wonderful policies Gough Whitlam introduced and how he was treated
    As soon as Labor helps vulnerable low income groups, pensioners, aged, disabled they are accused of mismanagement.
    I have listened to all arguments and if real estates and landlords do not increase rentals to strip away the increase in Rent Assistance we will see help for tenants.
    Damned if you do damned if you don’t.

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