Letter to the Editor: Stop the misinformation

DEAR News Of The Area,

CONGRATULATIONS to Kate Washington for attempting to educate your readers about the deliberate spread of misinformation concerning Hunter offshore energy generation.

I am distressed and appalled at the billboards that I see as I drive to Nelson Bay.

They are deceitful misinformation and should be taken down.

There are considerable benefits for offshore wind turbine energy generation in terms of helping to limit global warming and the acidification of our oceans.

There are also benefits to the local fishing and tourism industry because the turbine infrastructure generates reefs that create fish nurseries that attract bigger fish whereas the acidification of the oceans limits the supply of small crustaceans that act as a food source for larger marine mammals and fish.

Turbines are not a hazard to whales; whales are more than capable of avoiding the turbine infrastructure.

How many whales hit bulk carriers?

With regard to the billboard posters displaying turbines within Port Stephens, this is a deceit – they are 20 kilometres offshore and virtually invisible from shoreline.

We have to close down CO2 generation by fossil fuels.

Let us go ahead informed as to the reasons why renewables will help us provide energy to the planet without creating chaos.

Eugenie LUMBERS,

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