Letter to the Editor: Senate inquiry into offshore wind

DEAR News Of The Area,

I WELCOME the recent announcement of a Senate inquiry into offshore wind, thanks to the efforts of Senator Ross Cadell.

It is widely known within our community that we have had a lack of consultation and engagement; the proposal came as a surprise and shock to many.

Consultation by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and proponents addressing concerns by the community were inadequate and sessions were poorly planned and advertised.

Many in the community were not aware or unable to attend.

It was not until the wind farm zone was declared in July 2023 that it was widely publicised.

The Senate inquiry needs to come here to Port Stephens and talk to locals.

This is the centre where this offshore wind farm will greatly impact our environment, marine life, tourism and small business.

Furthermore I will place a submission to the committee on behalf of the many who have been heavily outspoken against this wind farm from the very beginning.

I also encourage concerned community members to do the same.

When will these Labor politicians, making ill-informed decisions, front up to the community in which they wish to destroy and explain their actions?

There has only been one token visit from Chris Bowen.

This event was behind closed doors where only a select few from the community were handpicked, including union representatives.

Labor’s Federal and State Members have offered zero public support or push back voicing the concerns of the community.

They will also not publicly take a position for or against the wind farm.

They are toeing the party line over the best interests of Port Stephens.

Our community deserves better.

Mayoral candidate.

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