Letter to the Editor: Restricted beach access

DEAR News Of The Area,

WELL, I believe that this decision outlines the total incompetence of MidCoast Council.

If Council was so concerned about vehicles on Jimmys Beach, why haven’t they employed and utilised more compliance officers on a regular basis and more importantly during peak periods.

I have a number of medical issues that allow me to satisfy the requirements of a restricted licence.

At this stage, I have tried to manage without a disability permit.

As a suggestion, maybe, locals who do have an interest in protecting their local environment with a restricted licence should be allowed to continue to frequent this wonderful area.

As regards access by professional fisherman and Indigenous people, I do not believe it is a fair decision.

If Council has evidence of exploitation, it should be investigated.

Also, regards environmental impacts, professional fishermen are renowned for damaging weed beds and bycatch issues not to mention the tracks on the beach from vehicles and nets, yet these are not considered.

If Council is adamant on reducing the traffic on Jimmys Beach, they should have made the effort before now with increased compliance officers and increased patrols, especially in peak periods.

Hawks Nest.

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