Letter to the Editor: Reduction of energy usage in homes

DEAR News Of The Area,

I CONGRATULATE NOTA on continuing to publish information about the biggest challenge of our time – moving to net zero emissions.

I believe that we all need to act together to solve the complex energy problems that we are currently facing.

I would like to focus on the reduction of energy usage in homes.

I dream of a time when both the Federal Government and the states cooperate and pass laws to support the shift to renewables and the reduction of emissions. For example, legislation could be passed to force all landlords to install energy efficient appliances in rental properties, and property developers to build new houses that include energy efficient measures such as heat pump hot water systems, solar panels, batteries, electric car charging points etc.

I imagine a future in which ordinary Australians work with their communities to help each other to reduce energy consumption in their homes.

It is problematic that those people that can afford to reduce their power bills (by installing solar panels, batteries, energy efficient appliances etc) are financially better off than those who cannot afford to do so.

This only adds to social inequality.

Perhaps areas such as Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest and surrounding villages could eventually go off the grid completely, using a community owned local energy grid. Anything is possible with enough energetic people, local knowledge and ingenuity, and the generosity of the Australian spirit.

Yours in hope,
Dr Sally HUNTER,
Tea Gardens.

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