Letter to the Editor: Our Jetty jewel

DEAR News Of The Area,

COFFS Harbour is so lucky to have a beautiful space like the jetty, which can be enjoyed by the whole community, from all demographics, free of charge.

Up to 450 residential units will destroy the community spirit of the jetty area.

Parking will be limited and “valuable”, which will undoubtedly lead to timed and/or paid parking – Byron charges $4/ hour!

The beautiful space we can all now enjoy will be only accessible to those that can afford it and are lucky enough to find a parking space.

Do we really want the area to be filled with high rise?

We have an opportunity to enhance its natural beauty, not make it another overgrown concrete jungle!

There are plenty of those elsewhere!

And for those that say it will bring money into our economy, I would argue that as very short sighted.

The Jetty draws tourists in by its natural beauty, long term those visitors will no longer come, as that will have been destroyed.

Coffs Harbour.

One thought on “Letter to the Editor: Our Jetty jewel

  1. Well said Trish.
    A while ago the Fraser Coast was advertising on TripleM …. presumably TripleM for various/multiple regions.

    For Hervey Bay, one whole ad was focused on their bay’s long beach – their “foreshores”. There’s only one or so building/s on the beach side of the one road that runs the length of that beach. A sailing club being one. Can’t remember others, certainly no commercial buildings.

    The thing the ad was highlighting was that they only have low buildings on the other side of that road. It might be three storeys, but I think it is only two, as that is the height of maybe half of those 5+ kilometres. The rest being single storey.

    The council up there want potential visitors to know that development is going to remain so low key and unobtrusive for enjoyment of their beach, foreshore parks, and of a 5+ km long multipurpose pathway.

    That path great and a much used cycle/walk/skate/rollerblade/rollerskate path.

    The Wide Bay Regional Council that contains Hervey Bay and Fraser Island has their s**t together. Preserving their “jewel in the crown”.

    Thus looking after their tourist appeal, which then looks after the local economy and sustains employment.

    C’mon City of Coffs Harbour …. preserve our jewel.

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