Letter to the Editor: Not in the best interest of local business

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce is concerned at what Council takes into consideration when issuing licenses or permits for operators within Council managed public space at the Jetty Foreshores.

The Chamber understands that independent vendors/traders that wish to operate permanently within the Jetty Foreshores must first seek approval and are required to have a permit from Council, yet we believe the operator of the Harbourside Market has full autonomy to accept any vendor (stall holder) it chooses, even if that vendor is from outside our LGA (local government area).

It seems unfathomable that our Council leaders, Mayor Paul Amos and his GM, Natalia Cowley, have not considered the impact of this and ensured staff when implementing the contract for the market operator put in guidelines to ensure that vendors/stall holders are not to the detriment of our local businesses.

An example of this is a seafood vendor from outside this LGA setting up shop within a 400 metre proximity of the Coffs Harbour Fishermen’s Co-op.

Our local ‘Fishermen’s Co-op’:

· Employees over 36 staff, all residing locally.

· Supports 42 fisher members and their families with the purchase and processing of their fresh seafood.

· Injects over $9m into the community with purchases from other businesses. Wholesalers, retailers etc.

· Injects a further $4m through costs in running and maintaining infrastructure, and not to mention $66,000 in Council rates.

· Supports local charities to a sum of $10,000. Service clubs, Pink Silks, Westpac Helicopter, sporting clubs and various other smaller charities.

· Our co-op is very community minded, and its survival is imperative to the local business community.

The respective out of town vendor brings all the product up from South West Rocks.

They have no local employee commitment and revenue from sales is taken and spent outside this community.

They add no real value to this community, except a token-fee charged by the market’s organisers.

The Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce requests Council to review the Harbourside Market agreement to ensure local businesses are not disadvantaged.

Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce.

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