Letter to the Editor: More on Jetty Foreshores polling

DEAR News Of The Area,

IN Opinion and letters in last week’s NOTA under the heading of ‘Will Jetty Foreshores poll tell us anything’, Peter Simpson speculates on the forthcoming poll to be held in conjunction with Council Elections in September.

No one can tell what the outcome of the forthcoming poll will be but we can certainly recap on the outcome of the last similar poll proposal put forward before the Council elections in 1995.

After a meeting of 1200 people at the Jetty Village shopping Centre on Monday 17 July 1995, at which all but two people supported a motion calling for the Jetty Foreshores to be saved from development and made into a park, the poll proposal was quickly dropped.

Twenty nine years later have we not learned anything about protecting public open space, coastal development and the threat of sea level rise?

Ashley LOVE,
Coffs Harbour.

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